Citation - Virginia Gazette-Williamsburg (Pa): 1737.02.04

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Index Entry Derry Down, chorus of lyric [beg] I knew that the song, which I lately did 
Location Williamsburg 
28 Jan-4 Feb 1737:41 (27)
I knew that the song, which I lately did send, 
Wou'd give me great trouble and pain, in the end;
I mean not in answ'ring, mistake me not quite, 
But in reading the stuff, which their worships wou'd write.
  Derry down, &c.
I told them the truth, that their writings are vile, 
That dull are their thoughts, and insipid their stile:
In answer to which, how ingeniously they, 
By writing again, confirm all, that I say.
  Derry down, &c.
'Tis strange they shou'd take such offence at the song, 
And think, that I've done them injustice and wrong: 
Had they kept the secret themselves, I declare, 
I had ne'er told the world, what dunces they are.
  Derry down, &c.
But surely they cannot now think me to blame, 
Since they've taken such pains to publish their shame;
And eighteen or twenty times, and not less, 
Have subscrib'd to the truth of the song, from the press.
  Derry down, &c.
Androphonus boldly steps forth, in the front, 
Resolv'd, like a hero, to bear all the brunt;
But says nothing in his, or his party's defence;
Since he only there pleads for the dog of good sense.
  Derry down, &c.

Generic Title Virginia Gazette-Williamsburg (Pa) 
Date 1737.02.04 
Publisher Parks, W. 
City, State Williamsburg, VA 
Year 1737 
Bibliography B0048886
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